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What next for the BMC, its governance, and Sport England?

On Friday last week, 2nd March, we handed over to the BMC, our work on the independent Organisational Review Group.  The final report was an amended recommendations report, following a 3 month consultation on our initial report in November.  As of last Friday, the ORG as a body, was disbanded, and its members, now well versed in the complexities of the BMC, are back to their respective roles, or are simply just back to being BMC members.

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Changing the BMC

Since April the BMC Organisational Review Group has worked collectively for thousands of hours, sent thousands of emails, written a 40k word report with 51 recommendations, gathered the views of over 4500 BMC members, spoken to c. 25 partner organisations and stakeholders, launched a further consultation, and done a tour of England and Wales presenting the report at local area meetings, to over 400 BMC members.

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